Finding Ninee » Sharing our parenting and special needs stories with heart and humor.


TimeFairyI need a time management class.  Or, better yet, a super-helpful fairy to put an extra couple of hours into each day.  The fairy would be a big help.  If you have one in your acquaintance, I’d really appreciate an introduction, people.  I’m not above bribes on this either.  Just saying.

In life Before Tucker, I worked in marketing.  I got a huge rush from being part of an amazing team, seeing our ideas realized, watching the industry take notice and participate in what created additional revenue.  It was awesome.

Except, I worked a lot.  It was fun work, but I was online every night after coming home and most weekends as well.  Which was fine.  Perfect, in fact, for a long time.

AMAHaving a baby at an “advanced maternal age” (an actual humiliating medical term that was at the top of all of my doctor’s forms) changed that for me.
I couldn’t imagine hiring a nanny so that I could continue on my career path. I’ve not regretted my decision for a minute.  Okay, fine, I maybe regretted it a teeny tiny bit  for five minutes on the days when Tucker asks for a 143rd game of chase.  But mostly, I’ve felt really lucky to be able to stay at home with my one and only baby.  Once we started speech therapy, evaluations, searching for a diagnosis and trying to figure out whether or not Tucker has autism, it made even more sense.

Note: if you chose the nanny path, or a similar one, I totally get it.  I’m just saying for our family, me staying at home with Tucker made the most sense.  This isn’t about every family, staying at home versus working or anything nearly that deep.  It’s just about me, and my family.  Cool?  Cool.    

Why am I telling you this?  Because, for the first time since my maternity leave ended (yes,
I worked while on maternity leave – exhibit A to the above decision), I’ve committed to something more than a fleeting freelance project.

I’ve signed on with a really cool company to work 20 to 25 hours a week.  While I’m excited and “first day of school” nervous, I’m also feeling anxious and overwhelmed.


Finding Ninee.

I know.  Totally dumb, right?  On one hand, I realize that Finding Ninee is a (mostly) non-revenue-generating creative outlet.  Some might even call it a hobby.  But, I know better.

And, you bloggers know.  You know how awesome it feels to write something or draw something or make something, post it and feel honest-to-goodness pride.  You understand how rewarding it is to make true soul-sister friends that you’ll likely never meet.  You read their blogs, have them read yours and seriously bond, right?

So how am I going to balance my time with Tucker, 20-25 corporate marketing hours/week and Finding Ninee?  I’m honestly not sure.

NoQuitFindingNinee_edited-1I do know that there’s no way in hell I’m going to abandon Finding Ninee.
I love him (yes, he is a him).

However, I have been thinking a lot about balance.  Some days, I sit at the computer at 10:30am, get totally sucked into writing, reading other blogs and drawing crappy pictures.  Next thing I know, it’s 2:00pm and I haven’t eaten lunch.

Here’s how I figure my time is broken up.


So tell me, please.  How can I fit 20-25 hours in for a really cool company that I think is might seriously be going places while maintaining Finding Ninee, too?

Sadly, the obvious things, like cutting down on showering, are already pretty much maxed.

I’m trying really hard to not be a total whiner with this post, but also want to say that I truly don’t know whether I’m doing the right thing.  And I certainly don’t know how to manage my time well enough to do it all.

Bloggers.  Mommies.  Tell me.  How do I balance?

Vote?  Just click the button on your left. The contest page will pop up.  All you have to do (if you want – PLEASE), is scroll down the list, find Finding Ninee (it’s number 58 or something – thank you HUGE), and give me a nice orange thumbs up.  Actually, I think the orange thumb turned into a heart today.  Which is even more like a kiss than usual.
Please vote every day until Feb. 13 at 7pm at which time the contest will be over.  Thank goodness. 

  • Alana Terry - Voted!! And hope that you really really enjoy your new job and find that extra time because you’ll be doing three things you love – blogging, chasing Tucker, and working! Good good good good luck to you. I hope you look back in two months and giggle at yourself for feeling so nervous. And if that doesn’t work, you can hop on your mobile device and blog while you poop, right?February 6, 2013 – 11:51 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Ah, Alana, from your lips. I hope so, too. It just feels so overwhelming right now…
      And OH how I wish I could blog while I poop! 🙂February 7, 2013 – 12:17 amReplyCancel

  • Mama Meerkat - First off, congratulations on getting a paid gig!

    I’m afraid I’m no help on the balance. Most of my time is spent Mini Meerkat wrangling and in appointments, and I squeeze in power bursts of writing here and there. I don’t know how I would add a regular job in there at this stage.February 7, 2013 – 12:13 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks so much for the comment. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, either…sigh…wish me luck. <3February 7, 2013 – 12:18 amReplyCancel

      • admin - The fact that it’s 12:25am and I’m here doesn’t say much for my time management skills, considering I have to wake up in 6 hours, get the boy ready and go to work, does it? Oof.February 7, 2013 – 12:19 amReplyCancel

        • Mama Meerkat - Good luck! <3 I'm sure there will be an adjustment period, but I think you can do it!February 7, 2013 – 12:45 amReplyCancel

  • Kate Hall - When you get some answers to this, let me know because I SUCK at balance. I find myself on a roller coaster all the time. Somedays I’m totally focused on my kids and not caring if anyone reads my blog, then the next day I’m tweeting frantically in hopes of getting more followers because maybe, just maybe, a few of them will read my posts.

    I am ok with posting only three times per week, one of those only being my capture that photo. If I find extra time then I’ll add an extra post in. I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, almost always.

    Hootsuite. Do you use Hootsuite? That’s for marketing your blog, that saves me a LOT of time getting the word out about my blog.

    And I voted for you…even before I saw your post tonight. 🙂February 7, 2013 – 12:25 amReplyCancel

    • Kate Hall - Ask Stephanie at Mommy, for Real. She works PT outside the home.February 7, 2013 – 12:26 amReplyCancel

      • admin - Ha! I brain-dumped on poor Stephanie just 2 days ago before I started the job! Funny that we both thought of her.February 7, 2013 – 12:34 amReplyCancel

        • Stephanie @ Mommy, for real. - OK, first of all, Kate has a great idea with Hoot Suite. (BTW, I finally figured it out, Kate. 😉 ) It has saved me some time with promoting and tweeting my posts. I personally can only post 3 times a week and not have sucky content. I feel like i have let myself off the hook by reducing the number of times I post, and when I do write something, I make sure it is good. I don’t think you should have waited to post this; first of all, it’s on your mind and you needed to get it out, so that makes it the perfect time to publish it. Second, the drawings were NOT less awesome than usual. This post was great, and it didn’t seem like you wrote it hastily and slapped it on your site. Don’t second guess it- it’s a really good, honest post, very well-written, and the pictures were perfect! I really do think that limiting the amount of time I spend reading and commenting on other blogs is important; it makes me feel bad, and guilty, but otherwise I would be up all night. Maybe read the same number of blogs, but less frequently, or maybe cut down on the people you regularly follow. I know how hard it is to do that. I think cutting yourself a break with how often you post is a good first step; honestly, I can’t manage to read my friends’ blogs who post more than 3 times a week, certainly not 7 posts a week. That overwhelms me as a reader. You can do this- and vent to me anytime, ok? Love and hugs!February 7, 2013 – 9:49 amReplyCancel

          • admin - Stephanie, thanks HUGE. You guys. Gonna make me cry. I love that you said 7 posts/week overwhelm you as a reader. I’d read early on that it’s important to post every day and often have but love the idea that three is the goal. More? Great. But not necessary. I know I have a few that hope to see something here every day but you’re so right about waiting until we have something worth posting. I’d much rather have fewer posts that I’m proud of than some BS thing that is up to be up.
            And thanks so much for the reassurance that the drawings are up to my usual level of awfulness. Funny bad is well, funny. Bad is just bad.
            I HEART YOU! Thanks again. Really. <3February 7, 2013 – 7:04 pm

    • admin - Thanks so much, Kate! YOU are awesome. I like the idea of posting only three days each week. Knowing this job was coming up, I’ve been up late (worst was 2:30) every night recently. I should have just waited to post. I think it panics me a little bit mostly because I’ve always posted almost every day. With that said, some of the posts recently have contained a LOT of drawings each, when they used to contain one or two (just started this in September so I’m still figuring it out), and people must realize they take time???
      thanks HUGE for the comment. I’ve never heard of Hootsuite. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!February 7, 2013 – 12:38 amReplyCancel

      • Kate Hall - I can only imagine how long those pics take because I know how long it takes for me to just go in and add a watermark or my blog address to a photo. And if I have a lot of photos, it adds up. What software do you use for the pictures anyway? They’re so cute! And funny!February 7, 2013 – 10:05 amReplyCancel

  • Rachel - Congrats on the job! I am no help on the balance front though. I have gotten pretty good at balancing work /home. I make a conscious effort to shut down at 5 every day and not even look at work email until the next morning. But I used to have a blog (actually still do) and I had to stop posting so I could get everything done and still spend time w/my family. I keep the blog in hopes that one day I’ll be able to pick it back up again and all the post ideas I have been saving up will not go to waste (lol). I am sure you will be fine though! Good luck.February 7, 2013 – 7:02 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks, Rachel. I didn’t know you have a blog. Can I read it?
      I think if I can find a way to get more than the 5 hours of sleep I got last night, that I’ll feel a lot more optimistic about balancing. Just feels like a lot right now. Job is new though, so hopefully as I settle into the groove, I get better and figuring out how much time to spend, on what…
      🙂February 7, 2013 – 7:37 amReplyCancel

  • Joy - Congrats on your new job!! Woo hoo! This is awesome!
    As for the balance I am no great help unfortunately as I am struggeling with my balance, too! :-/ I am also about to refrain from blogging daily. It just puts too much pressure on me and I do not want to write anything without any substance.
    But of course I do hope that you will keep Finding Ninee up and running! Otherwise I would miss your terribly!! xoxoFebruary 7, 2013 – 8:18 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Joy, I think we shouldn’t worry about blogging every day. Sometimes, we are able to but other times, we need to just be with our kiddos. And of course I will keep Finding Ninee up! It makes me cry to even think about not having this amazing outlet where I’ve met so many beautiful people like you.
      XOFebruary 7, 2013 – 7:09 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerri - If you manage to capture the balance fairy, please give her my number. I have found that working provides some sanity. It is harder to blog, attend all therapy appointments and forget about cleaning the kitchen on a semi-regular basis. But it gives me something other than being Boo’s mom/therapist/advocate. It lets me escape and remember what life was before the girls. I say go for it! Oh and dude you are up to 426 votes. You go girl!February 7, 2013 – 9:45 amReplyCancel

    • admin - Kerri, that balance fairy is an elusive beotch, as it turns out. I think I’ll have to employ my magic unicorn, ride him during the full moon and find her hiding out at a biker bar or under a mushroom. I’ll be happy to hold her hostage and have you all come demand she fixes your balancing acts, too.
      And yeah, cleaning the kitchen? Forget it.
      Thanks so much!February 7, 2013 – 7:11 pmReplyCancel

  • karen somethingorother - Oh man…I can RELATE! Why, here I am reading your blog and enjoying your “bad” art, all comfy cozy and my room is…well, it’s disgusting. There, I said it. I have come clean about it. I haven’t cleaned it, but I have come clean.February 7, 2013 – 12:28 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Karen, glad I’m not alone. And I think coming clean about your room being disgusting is good enough. Sometimes, good enough is good enough.
      Thanks for the comment 🙂February 7, 2013 – 7:12 pmReplyCancel

  • Maura - Here are my “tricks” (btw – I don’t even attempt to keep up a blog but I do lots of other stuff)
    1. Cleaning people – trust me
    2. Grocery delivery
    3. for everything grocery delivery wont bring
    4. Saturday morning enrichment. Daddy takes baby for 2 hours on Saturday mornings – it makes all the difference in the world!February 7, 2013 – 1:19 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Maura,
      I love your tips! We do actually have a cleaning crew come every other week. Maybe it’s time to step it up. And I’ve never tried grocery delivery. I’ve always wondered if they’ll purposely give the the almost expired stuff.
      Especially love the Saturday morning enrichment! That one is happening this Saturday no matter what. Thanks so much!February 7, 2013 – 7:13 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - I think it’s AWESOME that you got this part-time gig — good for you!! I wish I had the answer to your question. I can’t even seem to find the balance with my blog and my book, so I’m the wrong person to ask. However, what I do know is that all those other blogger/moms/part-time/full-time people somehow seem to find a balance. It may take some time, but you’ll get there. It’s funny because I ALMOST had the opportunity to do a 2-week adult internship at a magazine and I was wondering how I was going to manage for those 2 weeks…i know, ridiculous. Good luck with this new opportunity — hope we get to hear more about it on your blog too!February 7, 2013 – 1:35 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Emily,
      Thanks! I think it’s awesome too. It’s just really overwhelming sitting here at viewpoint “day 2.” I know I’ll find a way and that I’m actually really lucky. After the first couple of weeks, I’ll be able to mostly work at home which will save the time of looking professional in the morning, driving to the office, driving back, etc.
      That’s funny that you were wondering how to manage for those 2 weeks, but you know, it really is a valid concern. I realized this morning as I was trying to get Tucker dressed, fed, myself dressed and fed, make him a lunch, pack it, etc. that us moms sometimes have so much more little stuff than dads. I was completely jealous that my husband gets up, plays on the computer, showers and leaves.
      Thanks for your awesome comment.February 7, 2013 – 7:16 pmReplyCancel

  • Josie Bisett - Kristi – you are BRILL! I love your blog. And you know work expands to fill the space right? You’ll find time and balance no doubt. And if you wait longer to post, you’ll just fill us all with suspense and when you finally publish you’ll have a massive barrage of comments and response oozing with “we’ve missed you!’ and such 🙂

    Oh, I almost forgot to say CONGRATS on getting a job!February 7, 2013 – 8:12 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Aw thanks, Josie. Might be worth it just to read a bunch of “I missed you” comments 😉February 7, 2013 – 8:25 pmReplyCancel

      • Josie Bisett - I just scrolled up and down on that Circle of Moms list like three times and I couldn’t find you to give you your click? Where dya go? Or am I as blind as a bat??February 8, 2013 – 9:18 amReplyCancel

        • admin - You’re so cool! I think I’m number 54. Thanks much!February 8, 2013 – 9:37 amReplyCancel

  • Courtney - I wish I had something witty or inspirational to share, but I would be a hypocrite. I fell in love with my blog and writing as a stay at home mom and now that life has been turned upside down, my creative side is dead. I don’t even post what I write because it’s sad and depressing. I hope you find your balance and CONGRATS on the job! It is super hard to stay at home and to have a job is a blessing for the soul!February 8, 2013 – 9:17 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Aw Courtney…maybe you should post what you write. Maybe it would help. You can treat your blog like an online journal?
      And I hope you find your own balance with everything that’s going on in your life. Huge hugs.February 8, 2013 – 9:27 pmReplyCancel

  • Rachel - NOOO! What am I going to do without you! Are you going to start writing posts with weird marketing language in them? Please say it isn’t so? I do appreciate that you broke it to me gently, and I am sorry to make it all about me. But, really, I wish I could pay you to write Finding Ninee! 🙁February 8, 2013 – 10:19 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - ha. I’m not quitting Finding Ninee, silly woman. And hells to the no about them containing weird marketing language in them. Although, now that you mention it, the ROI on this blog is astonishingly low. Perhaps we should run a campaign, get our sales people to re-evaluate their KPI’s and tag our campaigns back to our pipeline.
      And I really wish you could pay me to write Finding Ninee, too. 😉February 8, 2013 – 11:20 pmReplyCancel

  • Jamie - Congrats on the new job! 🙂

    I just tried posting almost every day in January and realized it was too crazy for me. I am not letting go of my blog but will only be posting 1-2 times a week. However, I do consider my blog a hobby. To my understanding if you want to have a huge following + make some money, you would need to spend 40+ hours a week. I think it goes back to the purpose of your blog. For me I blog to connect with others and therapy. I don’t need to spend that much time on it to obtain my goals.

    My only suggestions would be :

    * hire out other non-important things to others
    * write down the next three things you need to do in every area of your life, helps to keep you focused
    * streamline anything and everything
    * decide what is the 5 things that is most important in your life ( example: (1) mom (2) another space for mom because of the extras (3) wife (4) self care (5) work ), if it doesn’t fit then be prepared to say No! ( blogging could go under self care but you need to determine how much of your self care hours you will dedicate to it)

    I hope it all works out for you! 🙂

    Take Care,

    JamieFebruary 10, 2013 – 3:00 pmReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks so much, Jamie!
      Sadly, I don’t really have time to spend 40+ hours a week doing this, although I would LOVE to do exactly that. So I suppose I’ll just do what I can, when I can…
      I really appreciate your advice. I definitely need to do a better job of streamlining things…even the simple things like making mealtimes more efficient. I especially appreciate the advice of writing down the three things I need to do. I definitely could use some focus.

      You’re the best!February 10, 2013 – 5:56 pmReplyCancel

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