Finding Ninee » Sharing our parenting and special needs stories with heart and humor.

There’s magic in the number seven, and power in the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop’s seventh anniversary this very week (1). Maybe, hopefully, there’s even more magic and power today in being thankful as the world crumbles and awakens.   Lizzi was the hop’s original creator, as she’d begun practicing thinking of 10 things each […]

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  • Pat B - I like your comment about this being the year white people educate themselves on Black experiences and other POC experiences. Hopefully as we become more educated that knowledge will go forward into the coming generations and not be forgotten, like some pieces of history which were so horrific at the time it happened.June 5, 2020 – 10:06 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I hope so too, Pat. It’s eye-opening to realize how deep white privilege goes and how Black people and other POC have so much more to overcome just because of the color of their skin. I hope all this going to lead to huge change…June 9, 2020 – 9:22 amReplyCancel

  • Lizzi - Yes!!! It gives me huge hope that so many white people are finally waking up to the Black experience, acknowledging their privilege, acknowledging the chasm between the two, and working to begin breaking down the structures that have maintained an unjust status quo for always and too long. I only hope the white people for whom this is a terrifying, scary thing, and who are fighting back against progress, have the capacity for self-reflection and the realisation that their fear has been taught from hate, rather than truth.

    Glad you had movie snuggles. You’re a great mom for choosing to treasure those moments and recognise when they’re happening.

    Happy seven years!!June 6, 2020 – 3:42 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I hope so too about white people realizing that their fear is taught from hate rather than truth… It’s crazy how much ignorance is around. And yeah, I’m glad I had movie snuggles too. Who knows how long until he doesn’t want to hang with me….June 9, 2020 – 9:24 amReplyCancel

  • Kristi - Thank you for suggesting that FTSF and TTOT combine forces this week, and thank you for your post! I admire those who, like you, seem to effortlessly articulate thoughts about the current situation. The topic of racism is so huge that I’m still trying to figure out where to even start writing, but (also like you) I feel like I need to write something.
    Good job for watching the movie with Tucker! Moments like those are precious.June 6, 2020 – 10:28 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Sure – glad you were open to combining the two hops! Seven years is HUGE. And thank you for the kind words and encouragement… I don’t know that I’m saying anything correctly but I want to try. Hopefully, if I say something that’s incorrect or ignorant, somebody corrects me. And yeah, the movie moments are so precious. Thanks again!June 9, 2020 – 9:27 amReplyCancel

  • messymimi - Mercy but it is past time to get on board with this.

    Because i’ve never done Finish the Sentence Friday, i wasn’t too sure of how to merge it or mention it. If you do this again, i will understand a bit better.

    You are right about never regretting spending more time with your child.June 7, 2020 – 6:01 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Hi,
      Finish the Sentence is a weekly prompt just like Ten Things… so to merge them, all we do is say they’re merged and share the code with each other. And yeah, spending more time with our kiddos is huge.June 9, 2020 – 9:28 amReplyCancel

  • Tamara - Seven years. Sheesh. And I love all the FTSF/TToT crossovers. I’m really starting to understand the issue!

    I totally have those moments with the kids where I’m like, “OMG they want to spend time with me right now and this is important!” And then I think about how Des is still so little and there’s a whole new 18 years of childhood opening up in our household and it boggles the mind. And 10-year-olds.. I remember being 10. It’s still very much a kid. Whew.

    I like to think of 2020 has having some great takeaways – like white people educating themselves (as in not making black people do it for them) and for COVId-19 to give something, and not just take take take.June 8, 2020 – 5:43 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Yeah, 10 is still a kid kid… but wow to 10 ya know? I’m SO excited for your whole new 18 years coming soon! I agree that white people educating themselves is a big deal and hope we each continue. COVID sucks though. Here’s to hoping it does give something back…June 9, 2020 – 9:30 amReplyCancel

  • Allison Smith - I can’t believe it has been seven years. Amazing. This was beautiful post Kristi. Well written, thoughtful, and thought provoking – and hopeful. xoxo, AllieJune 19, 2020 – 11:43 amReplyCancel

Will this summer be weird? Definitely. Will it be wonderful? Here’s hoping. Now that school’s officially out, drive-by complete, and library books checked out months ago returned, I’m looking ahead at what in the world we’ll do to fill summer days this year while the coronavirus continues to float around.  There was cookie cake, and […]

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  • Tamara - WHOA! Scarlet is still so tiny. Like 7-8 in size. I know that her growth spurt will be late and the range is wide with these 10-year-olds!
    I do wonder how their summer birthdays will be. And if school will start again.
    I will tell you that I think I will feel safe about salad bars and LEGO camps again. The way I always have. This virus won’t be forever. It will die out or we’ll have a vaccine or treatment or just something. I don’t even know. Maybe everything will get better. Even flu season!May 30, 2020 – 6:31 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - You know, it’s funny. I kinda think tiny is better. Everybody thinks Tucker is SO OLD, and he’s also the youngest in his class… it makes it hard.
      Gah to their summer birthdays. We have to find a way to make them awesome.
      Here’s to the vaccine. I want that. xoxoJune 5, 2020 – 9:48 pmReplyCancel

  • messymimi - It will be a different summer, it can be just as much fun, and i hope it will be for all of us.

    And since i was the shortest grown-up most of the children around me know, i got used to being outgrown by my own kids and everyone else’s as well. That was big for them, when they got to come up to me and point out they’d grown taller than i am, and i would smile and congratulate them.June 5, 2020 – 5:55 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thank you for the having your kids outgrow you be ok. My mom is really short (4’8″) but I’m average at 5’6″ or something and my 10yo is wearing clothes I could have worn in high school. It’s just weird I guess (plus, I have a thing about childhood magic and him getting bigger makes me happy but sad, too)…June 5, 2020 – 9:49 pmReplyCancel

I wake, thinking “just who do you think you are?” I sit with sadness as the last bits of ice in my bedside water glass settle and whisper “Who anyway?” before remembering I don’t do this anymore. Or, at least, remembering that I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to feel unworthy. […]

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  • Mardra - Yeahhhhh – all this and more as usual. Ya know, when I came up with the list of “innocuous” questions, they all have read much heavier this year than expected when I compiled them.

    I tried to think, has anyone *actually* said to me “Who do you think you are?” Or is that just my shoulder devil and what I heard in what people said instead of what they actually said. Hmm. And why is it so hard to hear and answer, who made that rule?

    Anywhoo – we’re all still plugging and someday when we are recovering and maybe even recovered from the scars of this strange time, You and Tucker may look back and say – “Wow – that was weird but look how hard we worked to get through it with as much laughter and learning as we could muster.” Maybe Tucker is learning the most important stuff right now, like how much his parents love him and want to protect him and that being bored is just gonna have to be OK. 🙂

    I chose this penguin photo with the prompt because I thought, that guy would never flinch at Who do you think you are? But I do need to mention, that’s not a Tim photo – his photos don’t have lines and fuzzy edges like mine do. I liked the penguin anyway.
    More love and winky emojis here! – MsMay 25, 2020 – 8:33 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Oh I’ll fix saying it was a Tim photo and I love that penguin. Who indeed made the rule on it being hard to hear the answer?!? And yes, being bored is just gonna have to be OK. We are going for more walks than usual, so there’s that, which hopefully we’ll continue even when things get back to as “normal” as they will. I keep wondering about the little things… like will we ever have salad bars again? I miss salad bars… Thanks for the great photo and prompt! love and winky emojis right back at you.May 28, 2020 – 11:44 amReplyCancel

  • Tamara - Well my allergies are worse than ever. Or rather, they’re the same as ever but with pregnancy, I haven’t been medicating them with “the good stuff.” Usually I float through them without noticing them. So of course I think they’re COVID even though I get them on high pollen days and they come and go and have like none of the same symptoms as COVID. Still COVID!

    I so relate to feeling unworthy. Daily.

    And we still have e-learning for a few weeks but I’m afraid of it ending – not looking forward to it! It provides some structure for the kids! And since there’s no camp, and my job plows on as normal ack!!!

    Also, green Gummy Bears are my favorite! And clear are Cassidy’s. So you and I would be super compatible with sharing a back since our favorites are the other’s least favorites.May 26, 2020 – 5:58 amReplyCancel

    • Tamara Bowman - back = bag. Sheesh. A bag of gummy bears.May 26, 2020 – 5:59 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Oh right! Ugh I hope your allergies pass soon – I didn’t think about you not being able to have Zyrtec or anything. Gah.
      I wish you didn’t relate to feeling unworthy. I want to be somebody who doesn’t feel that way ever… maybe someday?
      I know what you mean about working with no camps – it’s going to be an interesting summer for sure. Maybe we can look at it like our kids are developing skills to not be bored?? Ha. LOL to us being super compatible with sharing a back of gummies! One day!May 28, 2020 – 11:47 amReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - Can’t read your title without following it with singing, “Mr. Big Stuff”. Do you know it? LOL!

    Anywho…I think pets will be the only ones sad when we all get back to normal. Congrats to Tucker. I can imagine how you feel with some of the tradition of graduating taken away. Virtual graduations for high school here at on Friday.

    I guess your weather is warming up for good and you’re getting your real Spring. So I’ve already been through what you’re going through. Each and every time I went for a walk I felt awful for the next few days. Like chest burning awful and having to convince myself that I feel like that every year. And then myself arguing with myself if it’s always this bad. I finally feel normal. Hopefully you’ll feel better soon too. That feeling can knock confidence right out of you.

    Love the you got a “why not” raft!May 26, 2020 – 7:11 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - HA! I didn’t really know that song but just Googled it and it pulled up an episode of Soul Train and now my brain is in the 70s! And yeah, I don’t think anyone but pets will be sad to finally feel ok with eating out, traveling, all the stuff we used to take for granted (TEACHERS!!). The weather here is definitely warm and spring-like and I sneeze all the time and cough a little and it’s so dang hard to NOT think COVID with each one. Gah.
      I love that I got a why not raft too! Ha! Thanks 🙂May 28, 2020 – 11:50 amReplyCancel

During this completely wacky and totally unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, people keep talking about “when things get back to normal.” Will they ever get back to normal? It’s hard to imagine we’ll simply return to a world where the Whole Foods salad bar I love so much doesn’t feel like 1,001 pairs of tongs and touch […]

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  • Kenya G. Johnson - My mom and I were just talking about public salad bars this week. I had a mild case of germaphobeism before this and I didn’t even THINK TWICE about the salad bar utensils. So many little things. Twice in my recent years I think I got sick from a shopping cart and the gym because in both instances it was the only place I’d been and I was sick by the end of the day. So scary about germs now. I had Christopher check the mail, and bring the recycle and trash back to the house. When he came in it had been a few minutes and I said, did you wash your hands? He said no and then I was like, what all did you touch because you just brought a thousand people in here. Oh boy I’m going to be ridiculous and get on my family’s nerves for sure.May 15, 2020 – 6:54 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I do miss salad bars so much. But I never thought about it either. I mean, I go into a store, wipe down the cart handle, and then touch what… like 15 different tongs, then dressing, then nut sprinkles, and now I fear they’ll never come back. I can’t ever make them as good at home. I guess it’s because I don’t have things like heart of palm (yum) on hand (which I could get I suppose) but more that I’m not gonna open a whole can of kidney beans so I can put a few on my salad, ya know? Plus, I like a mixture of spinach and kale and all the veggies – again, can’t buy small enough amounts to not waste some. Sigh. LOL to “you just brought a thousand people in here” because YES. Gah. I thought about asking Robert to strip down in the garage when he comes in from work but he’d never do it and he’d never let me forget I asked. 😉May 19, 2020 – 9:57 pmReplyCancel

  • Allison Smith - Kristi, the Jarrard Davis comments are from me:). I don’t know how or why my comments came up like that (but I was on my work computer…so….).May 15, 2020 – 7:32 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Allison! I MISS YOU! And thanks for telling me that the Jarrard comments are yours. I’d have gone down a long rabbit hole trying to figure out what blogger missed me and that I didn’t recognize the name of! xoxooMay 19, 2020 – 9:58 pmReplyCancel

  • Tamara - Yes, I made my own list!
    I do love that Whole Foods salad bar.. or I did.
    And I think we will again.
    Maybe things will get better. Less overcrowding of nearly anything. Unaffordable living and living paycheck to paycheck and pollution and the rampant spreading of much lesser viruses. Maybe we’ll all be improved!May 15, 2020 – 1:46 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Gah the Whole Foods salad bar was so good. Hearts of palm, artichoke hearts, feta, spinach and kale… I can never buy small enough amounts of the huge number of items they had to ever replicate at home. I hope we will again. I like your thoughts on us being improved. I so hope so. xoxoMay 19, 2020 – 9:59 pmReplyCancel

Making mom feel special on Mother’s Day this year will be more difficult than usual due to COVID-19. You can’t take her out for ice cream, or treat her with an evening out at her favorite restaurant. You can’t have friends and family over for a shared meal and game of Badminton in the yard. […]

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  • Emily H Cappo - Love these five tips! Happy Mother’s Day Kristi! 🙂May 10, 2020 – 1:03 pmReplyCancel

  • Tamara - ha! Hilarious! I think we threatened the kids long ago to never, ever say “I’m bored” and in truth, they never have.
    They have their problems but I guess boredom isn’t one of the 99.
    I really wanted takeout but Cassidy suggested something homemade and my choice and that was nice too.
    Maybe we can celebrate tomorrow night after having the level 2 ultrasound that I’m so nervous about I’m nearly sick. Please tell me they’re not that bad?

    Also, I haven’t had a nice hair day in months..May 11, 2020 – 10:09 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - OMG your kids have never said “I’m bored?” I need to take parenting lessons from you. And the level 2 ultrasound is NOT THAT BAD. If it makes you feel better, I had Tucker at National Naval Medical Center (now Walter Reed) which is a teaching hospital. After they saw I have an incompetent cervix (bed rest) they did the ultrasound and called in like eight (!) students. So there I was, legs spread, wand up in me, and the doc was like “see this?” pointing to the screen but I know what they were looking at. Is it over? Are you ok?
      And yeah, no good hair days here either, hence the “Mom your hair looks nice” thing. HA.May 12, 2020 – 11:45 pmReplyCancel

Almost four months ago, I chose a word of the year. I chose the word Heal. At first, I thought “Nah, too passive.” Except, I realized I love the word Heal and knew it was the perfect, exactly right-for-me-now January 2020 word. I love Heal because it implies both growth and damage. It says that […]

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  • Tamara - Not yet in our lifetime and hopefully never again!
    It’s funny to think about the virus as being what we once thought it was – a minor cold – and then to think of it as deadly as like.. the movie Outbreak or The Stand miniseries. I guess the truth is in the middle. And it’s heinous and strange.
    I still think your word could work for this year. I do.May 1, 2020 – 9:09 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - OMG hopefully never again. And yeah, the virus as a cold, and then like Outbreak or something. Gah. I think my word can still work this year too.May 2, 2020 – 10:34 pmReplyCancel

  • Debi - I wonder if healing can come for you in the slowing-down we’re all in. You never know — sometimes the quiet and uncluttered life is the best place for healing to spread. I really hope that’s what happens for you!May 1, 2020 – 9:13 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I think there is some extra healing in the slowing down. Maybe it’s only because we have to look harder for it, or something like that. And thank you, so so much. oxoxMay 2, 2020 – 10:35 pmReplyCancel

  • Leanne Russell - Kristy, I loved your piece about healing. I think you were spot on choosing this as your word for 2020. The world needs healing and the world will heal..all of us together will learn much from this experience. I’ll be happy when I can wake up without my stomach churning as soon as I realise it’s another day of mental challenges. I have been enjoying going to a psychologist for about 8 months. I look forward to chatting with her and working through how things that happened when I was young have impacted on my view of myself as an adult. It is very healing! Thanks for your story and I must say I’m so glad to be back into writing, you know I have lacked motivation for some time!May 2, 2020 – 8:07 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I think we all need healing, too, and thank you so much for saying so. We’ll all be changed forever from this, for sure, and I hope it’s mostly with a stronger sense of self, love, and connection. I’m sorry about your stomach churning and also I totally get it and am glad you’ve been seeing a therapist for eight months. I’ve been going to mine for almost a year now and it’s been so helpful. The things that happened when we were younger are SO IMPORTANT. I never realized it until recently. Although I wish I did know sooner, I’m glad I know now. I’m so glad you’re writing. I loved what you had to say for this prompt, so much. xoxoMay 2, 2020 – 10:38 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - It sounds like you guys are hanging in there with this strange, new normal. It’s weird to just be waiting, and waiting and waiting. I watch our Governor (Cuomo) give his press briefing everyday and keep hoping he will announce, “the wait is over!” But, in reality I know we aren’t there yet…anyway, stay healthy and well!!May 4, 2020 – 4:53 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - We are hanging in there. It’s hard though right? This whole thing is just absolutely crazy. I keep hoping they’ll announce a vaccine soon but I know it may take years. One can hope though right? You too, to the stay healthy and well! Are all the boys home?May 7, 2020 – 9:01 pmReplyCancel

  • Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - We carry on. We revel in the small. YES! As always, my friend, you find wisdom in the everyday. I see similar themes here and in my post. And yes, I did link up in January! Had to look back and see. I couldn’t even remember what my word was. LOL I think whether our words work for the year all depends on perspective, you know? On how willing and able we are to adapt. This is certainly unprecedented in our lives and will definitely be a learning experience like no other. xoMay 6, 2020 – 4:57 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I don’t know about wisdom as much as my own words being a reminder to myself to do exactly that – to revel in the small. I just read your post and see a lot of similarities, too (including bickering with husbands lol). It’ll be so interesting to see how this whole thing changes the world forever. XO back at you, friend.May 7, 2020 – 9:03 pmReplyCancel

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